Wednesday, 18 March 2020


Perth, 1 November, 1913.

- Cool Storage Cargo.
How Butter and Bunnies Reached
"When the ill-fated-Koombana was on
this coast, the people were well treated
in regard to the storage of vegetables,
fruit etc., the only trouble being that 
enough storage space could not be 
obtained. This is of such vital importance
to everyone in the Nor'West, that a howl
of delight went up when the State
Government announced that the 
Western Australia (steamer) would have
capacity for 100 tons, cool storage - eh
what! It has never realised a tenth of the
hopes, and this week most of the 'cool
storage cargo' for Broome had to be
destroyed, being unfit for human 
consumption. Many butter cases were
half empty, giving the impression they
were stored on the boilers and not near
the ice chamber door. The ship landed
a deal of her own stores for storage in
Broome; maggoty rabbits, etc. which
to avoid prosecution by the Health
Authority, had to be incinerated in the
local boiler furnace. It is feared, in some
quarters, that the ship has a fair chance
of returning from Darwin with fever on

The Nor'West Echo...

A funny, yet sad, footnote to the loss of magnificent Koombana and her attributes. Progress had taken a firm step backwards. 

courtesy Trove

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