Wednesday, 18 March 2020


The Express and Telegraph, 4 April, 1912

Melbourne, April 3.
After the discovery of wreckage from the
Koombana, the Western Australian 
Government telegraphed to the Minister 
of Customs that the proposed search by the
trawler Endeavour would not be necessary. 
The Endeavour, however, left on Monday 
for the West. It is hoped to intercept her at 
Albany. As her services for search work are 
apparently not required, the trawler will be 
made available to Commander Brewis for 
the inspection of lighthouses on the Western 
Australian coast.
Mr. Tudor has received from the Marine
Enginedrivers, a copy of a resolution 
thanking him for having ordered the trawler 
in the first instant to assist in the search,
and expressing the opinion that an 
investigation by a Government steamer 
would be a most effective method of 
ascertaining the fate of the Koombana.

What could he have meant by Government steamer? Already a number of privately owned steamers, luggers and sailing craft had been engaged to make a comprehensive search. In addition to this the chartered (Harbours and Lights Department) tug Una was on site, so to speak. 

Is there a hint of introducing a 'neutral party' to ensure an unbiased search? An apprehension, if you will, that the truth might be swept under the carpet, if found to be 'inconvenient'.

courtesy Trove

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