The following transcribed:
"Captain Irvine, 2nd April, 1912.
Chief Harbour Master,
Dear sir,
I beg to advise you that in accordance with your instructions, which were cabled to Broome, as per copies already sent you, the "Bullarra" sailed from Broome on search yesterday afternoon, and I herewith enclose copy of cable received from Streeter & Male Limited, our agents:-
"Bullarra sailed this afternoon, Upjohn instructed arrive Cossack eighth noon certain in accordance your cable."
I am also in receipt of a further telegram this morning (the land line being now open) that the "Gorgon" took 132 bullocks from her, leaving 7 on board the "Bullarra".
Yours faithfully,
Manager for W.A."
Having sailed from Broome Bullarra made the first of two sets of crucial discoveries:
Tuesday 02 April 1912, at dusk, Bullarra. A patch of oily water. S 19º 11' E 119º 25' 30 miles north-east of Bedout
Wednesday 03 April 1912, time not known, Bullarra. Starboard bow planking of a motor launch,
carrying the Adelaide Steamship Company's insignia. S 19º 15' E 119º 06' 20 miles north of Bedout Island
Wednesday 03 April 1912, time not known, Bullarra. A decorated ceiling panel from music or smoke room S 19º 15' E 119º 06' 20 miles north of Bedout Island
Wednesday 03 April 1912, time not known, Bullarra. An awning spar. S 19º 15' E 119º 06' 20 miles north of Bedout Island
Wednesday 03 April 1912, time not known, Bullarra. Another door. S 19º 15' E 119º 06' 20 miles north of Bedout Island
Wednesday 03 April 1912, time not known, Bullarra. Small pieces, including covers from lifeboat flotation tanks. S 19º 15' E 119º 06' 20 miles north of Bedout Island
(Ref. Annie Boyd)
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courtesy State Office Records, Western Australia, series 2357, cons 066 |
The following extract:
"Captain Irvine
From Streeters Broome
Mon April 1. Cattle transferred Gorgon at wharf yesterday. Coal now being transhipped at anchorage. Watering completed. Send final instructions.
To Streeters, Broome
Mon. April 1. Instruct Upjohn as follows. Your explicit instructions are that you arrive Cossack unfailingly latest noon Monday eighth April bound Fremantle to bunker ex Moonta. Acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully
Manager for W.A."
Note the tone of this telegram. Blunt and commanding are the words which come to mind.
It seems that despite the fact wreckage discoveries were yet to be made, there had been a shift in tone from a search encompassing 5 to 6 weeks in the case of the chartered Una, to one of 'get back to Fremantle without unnecessary further delays' when it came to Bullarra; which had discharged the bulk of her livestock to the Gorgon at Broome. In fairness to the owners, the steamer required dry-docking at Fremantle and comprehensive repairs after her encounter with the cyclone.
'Sentimental' was not a word one could link the loss of Koombana with her owners.
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courtesy State Records Office, Western Australia, series 2357, cons 066 |
The following communication gives us a clearer idea of what could have been going on behind the scenes:
"per hand 1st April, 1912
Captain Irvine,
Chief Harbour Master,
Dear Sir,
Pursuant to the directions cabled to Broome, as the result of our conference on Saturday evening last, the Master of the "Bullarra" now cables from Broome that he has transhipped his cattle to the "Gorgon" for the purposes of the search. We assume from his communication that all the cattle are transhipped. If this is so the expenses of the "Bullarra'" engagement, will, so far as we can now see, be confined to the freight on these cattle and the cost of searching, since under the conditions of our shipping receipt we consider we are entitled to tranship. As a consequence the eventual cost to the State Government, the Commonwealth, and our company will probably prove somewhat less than which I anticipated at our conference on Saturday night last.
We presume the Premier is reporting in the matter to the Commonwealth Authorities.
Copies of the cables referred to and replies from Broome, are as appended:
To Streeters Broome
Sat March 30, 11.30 p.m. Tranship all possible cattle to Gorgon shippers furnishing fodder Hedland. Keep remaining cattle aboard. Prepare your suggested search. take sufficient water fodder coal voyage Fremantle. Further instructions Sunday. When can you start. Furnish dimensions construction new funnel.
Limiting costs had entered the picture which goes towards explaining the blunt nature of instructions issued for Bullarra to arrive at (report to) Cossack by no later than 8th April.
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courtesy State Records Office, Western Australia, series 2357. cons 066 |
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