Wednesday, 20 June 2018


The Adelaide Steamship C.o.'s contract mail
service. S.s. Koombana under 1910 to 1913 

Serious trouble has occurred on
board the s.s. Koombana, belonging
to the Adelaide Steamship Company,
Ltd., which is the subsidised mail
boat for the Nor'-West ports, and
yesterday, it assumed such dimensions 
that instead of the Koombana
leaving for the Nor'-West last night
her sailing has been postponed indefinitely.
Fix this texfinitely.

Mr. Moxon:

"The contractors are liable to a fine of £5 per
hour if the mail steamer should run late and 
a satisfactory explanation is not given."

There is no doubt in my mind that this crucial factor contributed to Captain Allen making the hesitant decision to venture out into a troubled sea, 20 March, 1912. If he had elected to stay in port and the cyclonic event did not materialize as was alleged to have occurred a fortnight previously, the Adelaide Steamship Company might have been liable for this quoted £5 per hour fine. Surely this implies that the Federal Government contributed to the making of the disaster.

courtesy Trove.

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