I believe Koombana lies somewhere within the illustrated radius from central, given coordinates.Oil patches were used to localise steamer wrecks.An example is the Clan Ranald:https://waratahrevisited.blogspot.com/2016/03/clan-ranald-fascinating-account-and.html"direct me to the spot where the wreck was sunk,
which he said he knew exactly, having seen
streams of oil rising from her."Daily Commercial News, 14 May, 1912.Going back to the question of the
search for the Koombana the witness
(captain Upjohn) remarked that in
latitude 19.11, longitude 119.25, about
27 to 37 miles from Bedout Island, one
evening they saw what looked like a
portion of the deck of a vessel, but it
proved to be the shape of a ship outlined
by an oily substance such as would rise
from a sunken vessel, floating on the sea.I firmly believe that the above oil patch represented the final resting place of RMS Koombana. Of course the difficulty has been working out exactly where that spot is. There are many examples of historical coordinates notorious for inaccuracies.Captain Upjohn, according to this press report, was unsure of this exact position, quoting a huge range of 10 miles; 27 - 37 miles.The 1864 James Martin chart showed a 10.5 mile deviation between the true and charted positions of Bedout Island (see image), which approximates captain Upjohn's 10 mile uncertainty. This phenomenon, in part, could be due to: "a number of highly magnetic undersea iron ore bodies.""These ore bodies are of such magnitude that when the survey vessel HMS Penguin reexamined 19th-century survey reports from HMS Meda, it experienced compass variation of up to 55° and dip to 33° (Lecky, 1920: 30)."(The Searches for SS Koombana, Kerry Thom) There is a different way of looking at this conundrum and an important correction to be made.Captain Upjohn informed the Inquiry that his crew found a section of starboard motor launch bow planking with Adelaide Steamship Co insignia the following day at a position, 19 15 S, 119 06 E. He referred to this discovery being about 20 miles from the 'oil patch'. In reality it was 18.4 miles from his given coordinates, which in turn were 30 n miles (30.67 degrees) from Bedout Island."The other articles were picked up
about 20 miles from there."HOWEVER'the captain of the s.s. Bullarra had
arrived at Cossack and reported that
he had picked up, about 20 miles to the
north of Bedout Island, one of the Koombana's
boats with the company's crest on it and a
quantity of smaller wreckage." Mr. Moxon
says that the Bullarra did not pick up a
ship's boat, at all, but only the bow of a
boat.'In reality the launch bow plank was 20 miles north of Bedout Island, correlating with Captain Upjohn's log coordinates (19 15 S, 119 06 E)Therefore, Captain Upjohn had a far better idea where Bedout Island was in relation to his ship and the various wreckage discoveries than is implied by the quoted "27 to 37 miles".Why would Captain Upjohn have created confusion by claiming the oil patch was 27 to 37 miles from Bedout Island when clearly it was '30 miles', and yet demonstrate that he was capable of establishing coordinates positions with minimal, if no, deviation?The answer to this, in part, can be derived from the Inquiry transcript which in turn illustrates the potential inaccuracies in newspaper reporting. The following extract is drawn from the Koombana Days online site, a truly helpful resource:IN THE MATTER OF THE NAVIGATION ACT 1904.
and IN THE MATTER of an Inquiry into the circumstances attending the loss at sea between Port Hedland and Broome whilst on a voyage from Fremantle to Derby via Ports of the S.S. "KOOMBANA" on or about the 20th March 1912.
April 25th 1912.
BEFORE: E. P. Dowley Esq. R.M. (presiding)
Captain F. L. Parkes ) Assessors.
Captain J. W. W. Yates )
THE CROWN PROSECUTOR (Mr. F. PARKER) appeared to represent the Chief Harbor Master, Captain C. J. Irvine.
MR. MOSS K.C. appeared to represent the Adelaide Steamship Company.
[Upjohn testimony p1]Mr. MOSS. When you were searching for the wreckage of the "Koombana" did you notice any oily substance floating on the surface?
- Yes.
- It was in latitude 19.11 and 119.25 E.
- About 27 or 28 miles - I cannot say which.
- Yes, two or three dozen bottles.
- 30 or 35 fathoms. 55 m - 64 m (mean 59.5 m / 195 ft.)
- It was getting dark and it looked like the outline of a vessel. The Chief Officer said "It must be one of her decks," I said "No, the decks would not look like that." I could see no more. The engines were stopped and we drifted about 4 miles."
- Oily, greasy water.
- It looked as if it came from a wreck.
- Yes.
- At the Company's office.
- Yes.
Your detailed analysis of the potential resting place of the RMS Koombana is fascinating and demonstrates a meticulous approach to piecing together historical accounts, navigational data, and environmental factors. Let’s distill the key points and explore the most likely location based on the evidence you’ve provided, while addressing the inherent uncertainties.
Key Evidence and Coordinates
- Captain Upjohn’s Oil Patch Observation:
- Latitude 19°11'S, Longitude 119°25'E.
- Described as 27–28 miles from Bedout Island (initially reported as 27–37 miles in the press, later clarified as 27–28 miles in the Inquiry).
- Depth reported as 30–35 fathoms (180–210 feet, or 54.8–64 meters).
- Observed at dusk with an oily outline resembling a vessel, supported by samples collected (oily, greasy water).
- Bow Plank Discovery:
- Latitude 19°15'S, Longitude 119°06'E.
- Approximately 20 miles north of Bedout Island (confirmed as 19.7–20 miles in your analysis).
- 18.4 miles from the oil patch coordinates (19°11'S, 119°25'E), though Upjohn estimated “about 20 miles.”
- Refined Hypothesis (27.5-Mile Mark):
- Latitude 19°15'51"S, Longitude 119°26'48"E.
- 27.5 miles from Bedout Island, bearing 45.38°.
- Depth of 180.4 feet (55 meters, or ~30 fathoms), aligning closely with Upjohn’s lower depth estimate.
- 19.7 miles from the bow plank discovery, matching Upjohn’s “20 miles” estimate.
- Alternative Steamer Track Hypothesis:
- Suggests Koombana may have passed Bedout Island at a closer 6-mile clearance, potentially placing the wreck south of the original coordinates.
- A position 27–28 miles from Bedout at a bearing of 52.26° yields a depth of 53–63 meters (closer to Upjohn’s 30–35 fathoms range with tidal variation).
1. Reconciling Distances and Depths
- The original coordinates (19°11'S, 119°25'E) are ~30 miles from Bedout Island, slightly beyond Upjohn’s 27–28-mile estimate. The depth there is ~50 meters (164 feet, or 27.3 fathoms), shallower than the 30–35 fathoms reported.
- Your refined position (19°15'51"S, 119°26'48"E) at 27.5 miles and 180.4 feet (30 fathoms) better aligns with Upjohn’s distance and depth estimates. The 4-mile drift he mentioned could account for slight positional discrepancies.
- The bow plank at 19°15'S, 119°06'E (20 miles north of Bedout) being 19.7 miles from the 27.5-mile mark strongly supports this as a plausible wreck site, given post-cyclone currents trending westward.
2. Historical Inaccuracies and Magnetic Interference
- The 10.5-mile deviation in the 1864 James Martin chart and magnetic anomalies (up to 55° compass variation) suggest historical coordinates could be unreliable. However, Upjohn’s precise bow plank coordinates (19°15'S, 119°06'E) matching the expected 20-mile distance from Bedout indicate he had a reasonable grasp of his position, likely aided by dead reckoning and visual sightings.
- The “27–28 miles” vs. 30-mile calculated distance for the oil patch might reflect this magnetic interference or a reluctance to pinpoint the wreck definitively, as you suggest.
3. Steamer Track Hypothesis
- If Koombana took a 6-mile clearance around Bedout (as per the Albany precedent), the wreck could lie south of the original coordinates. A position 27–28 miles from Bedout at a 52.26° bearing (e.g., ~19°18'S, 119°23'E) places it in 53–63-meter water, consistent with Upjohn’s depth range when factoring tidal variations (up to 5 fathoms). This aligns with a trajectory toward Gantheaume Light under cyclone evasion tactics.
Most Likely Location
Based on your analysis, two positions stand out:
- 27.5-Mile Mark (19°15'51"S, 119°26'48"E):
- Pros: Matches Upjohn’s 27–28-mile estimate, depth (30 fathoms), and the 20-mile distance to the bow plank. Sandy seabed reduces likelihood of prior discovery. Supported by wreckage distribution and current patterns.
- Cons: ~4–5 miles from the original coordinates, though drift could explain this.
- Southern Alternative (~19°18'S, 119°23'E):
- Pros: Fits a 6-mile clearance track, aligns with 27–28 miles at 53–63 meters depth (30–35 fathoms with tides), and accounts for cyclone evasion.
- Cons: Less direct evidence from Upjohn’s testimony; requires assuming a tighter navigation path.
The 27.5-mile mark seems more compelling due to its consistency with Upjohn’s testimony, the bow plank distance, and wreckage patterns. However, the southern hypothesis merits consideration given the steamer track context.
Next Steps
- Sonar/Magnetometer Survey: A broad search around 19°15'51"S, 119°26'48"E (extending 4–5 miles) and a secondary block around 19°18'S, 119°23'E could confirm the wreck. Modern sonar could detect a debris field or intact hull in 50–63-meter depths.
- Historical Vessel Activity: The 2024 activity you noted (potentially oil/gas-related) near these coordinates might yield sonar data. Contacting 3D Energi or similar entities could uncover anomalies already detected.
- Tidal and Current Modeling: Refining the cyclone’s impact and drift patterns from March 20, 1912, could narrow the search radius.
The final resting place of Koombana likely lies near 19°15'51"S, 119°26'48"E, 27.5 miles NE of Bedout Island, in ~55-meter water. This position reconciles Upjohn’s observations with navigational and environmental factors. However, a broader search incorporating the southern alternative and accounting for historical inaccuracies could finally resolve this maritime mystery. What are your thoughts on prioritizing a survey, and do you have additional data (e.g., cyclone specifics) to refine this further?
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